Monday, 4 July 2016

How To Make An Anastasia Necklace (Egg in the Basket)

Have you ever thought or felt like making an "egg in the basket" jewelry? ("egg in the basket", that's what my bead trainer calls it that year)lol... 😀 but i call it "Anastasia Necklace"... You can rename it if you feel like... Lol

Ok enough of the intro and let's go back to business... This jewelry always comes out beautiful although it requires time and patience especially when you want to make 2 or more layers!!! 

. 0. 15mm white beads
. metalic silver glass seed beads
.  transparent glass seed beads
. Cone bead cap
. pearl beads(chocolate)
. Pearl beads(light brown)
. Pearl beads(white)
(Crystal beads can be used to replace pearls if you want too)
. Hook 

Beading needles
Fishing line

. bead weaving
. Cord ends

Tip: First you have to add a stopper bead and i prefer to use a seed bead as i can blend it in. 

1. Add 1 pearl, 1 seed bead, 1pearl, 1seed bead, 1pearl, 1seed bead

2. Go through the last seed bead and pearl so you can form a " circle"

3. Add 4 silver seed beads 1 grey and 4 silver seed beads

4. Go through the seed beads in between pearls

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 two more times

6. Pass the needle through the 4 silver seed beads and 1 grey. The needle has to come out through the grey seed bead

7. Add 1 pearl and go through the other grey seed bead

8. Repeat step 7 two more times

Repeat step 3-5 for another row with seed beads

Repeat step 6-8 for another row of pearls

Follow the pattern and make changes according to the desired color pattern or length.

Attach the cone bead cap at the ends as in the image. Make sure you are attaching the closed jump ring from the hook, before glueing the bead cap.

Tip: you can use glue to attach the bead cap

Ok ok.... Thats it .....
I hope you all try this soon!!!
Love y'all

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